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The National Coalition of African American Organizations (N.C.A.A.O) is sponsoring the

"Generation Next" Project


The "Generation Next" Project is a campaign of supporting and encouraging a molding of minds, a refining of attitude, and an elevation of activism within our young persons of tomorrow. 

"Generation Next" will be a "umbrella" organization of high school age youth along with youth from the Faith-Based community and young persons from community base organization, all serving as delegates.  College students from the area universities will serve on an executive committee to mentor and guide the delegates.

The mission of this organization is to organize, educate and mobilize their peers for the purpose of increasing their level of involvement regarding issue relevant to this age group and their community.  The delegates from the respective high schools will serve as the liaison for information sharing with their respective constituencies. 

One of the initial tasks of the project is for the N.C.A.A.O. to build the first "Generation Next" Complex, and then build four others within the next five years.